Helpful tips for anger-free living from Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das is an American-born Buddhist monk, novelist and occasional blogger, posting helpful guidelines for people in need of a more stress-free and anger-free way of living. In his latest entry on The Huffington Post blog, the American Lama shares what he calls “the Six Rs of Intentional Responsiveness,” which, he writes, can allow an individual a greater degree of control over “anger, impatience and irritation.”

Courtesy of The Huffington Post, here are a few of Lama Surya Das’ helpful lessons:

  • Recognizing: Being aware of what ticks you off, and realizing how stimuli like “harsh words or unfair treatment” can trigger your temper, is key to preventing yourself from getting angry. Instead, when you realize your buttons are being pushed, take a breath, relax and recognize how you’re being affected.
  • Recollecting: Anger and hatred often lead to negative consequences while forgiveness or letting go have a more positive end. Chances are you’ve already experienced both of these in your life, so remember those past experiences before choosing whether to repeat them again or not.
  • Reframing: While not always easy, if you’re arguing with someone and things are getting heated, try to take their viewpoint. A more empathetic understanding of what the other person is going through will make it easier for you not to fly off the handle so quickly.
  • Relinquishing: If you’re aware of what urges make you angry, don’t suppress or ignore them. Instead, accept them and realize what factors makes you angry, and how and why they do. This way, you can learn to let go of what pushes you to getting mad.

These are just a few of the steps you can take in improving your outlook on life. For individuals interested in personal growth anger management, consider the online anger management classes of Conflict Coaching & Consulting.

Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC

Dr. Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC specializes in anger management, family conflict resolution, marital and premarital conflict resolution. His extensive knowledge in the field of anger management may enable you to use his tested methods to deal with your anger issues.


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