Postpartum Rage: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Welcoming a new life into the world is undoubtedly a momentous and joyous occasion filled with love and excitement. 

However, for some new mothers, the postpartum period can also bring unexpected and overwhelming emotions, including feelings of anger and rage. 

While postpartum depression is a well-known condition, postpartum rage remains lesser known and often misunderstood.

In this blog, we dive into the topic of Postpartum Rage to shed light on this complex and often stigmatized aspect of motherhood. 

We aim to provide a compassionate and informative space for mothers experiencing these intense emotions and help them understand that they are not alone.

Together, let’s embark on a journey of empathy, acceptance, and healing as we explore the complexities of postpartum rage and work toward nurturing all new mothers’ mental and emotional well-being.

What Is Postpartum Rage?

Postpartum rage refers to intense and uncontrolled anger or irritability experienced by some new mothers after giving birth

Postpartum rage refers to intense and uncontrolled anger or irritability experienced by some new mothers after giving birth. 

It is a lesser-known aspect of postpartum mental health, often overshadowed by postpartum depression. 

Postpartum rage can manifest as sudden outbursts, irritability, or frustration. It may be triggered by hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, adjusting to motherhood, and societal pressure. 

Understanding and addressing postpartum rage is crucial to support the emotional well-being of new mothers during this transformative and often challenging phase of life.

Who Gets Postpartum Rage?

Postpartum rage can affect any new mother, regardless of age, ethnicity, or background. It is not limited to a specific group. It can occur in women who have had previous children or are experiencing motherhood for the first time. 

Various factors, including hormonal fluctuations, stress levels, sleep deprivation, and the support system available to the new mother, may influence the risk of experiencing postpartum rage.

For those who do experience postpartum rage, seeking understanding, empathy, and support is crucial.

Postpartum rage is a valid and real emotional response that some women may face during the postpartum period. 

By fostering an open dialogue about postpartum rage, we can better support the mental and emotional well-being of all new mothers and help them navigate the ups and downs of motherhood with compassion and understanding.

How Common Is Postpartum Rage in Today’s World?

The prevalence of postpartum rage in today's world is not well-documented, and its exact frequency is challenging to determine.

The prevalence of postpartum rage in today’s world is not well-documented, and its exact frequency is challenging to determine. 

Postpartum rage is often overshadowed by other mental health issues, such as postpartum depression and anxiety, which are more widely recognized and studied.

However, postpartum rage can affect many new mothers. 

It’s important to note that each woman’s experience with postpartum rage is unique, and not all new mothers will experience this particular aspect of postpartum mental health. 

Despite its prevalence, postpartum rage remains under-discussed and under-recognized, leaving many mothers feeling isolated and ashamed of their emotions. 

By acknowledging and addressing postpartum rage, we can help new mothers feel understood, validated, and better equipped to navigate the challenges of early motherhood.

What Are the Causes of Postpartum Rage?

The causes of postpartum rage are complex and may vary from woman to woman but they are somewhat similar to the general causes of anger issues. 

The causes of postpartum rage are complex and may vary from woman to woman but they are somewhat similar to the general causes of anger issues

Hormonal fluctuations, changes explicitly in estrogen and progesterone levels after childbirth, can significantly trigger postpartum rage. 

Additionally, the postpartum period can be accompanied by significant stressors, such as sleep deprivation, physical discomfort, and the demands of caring for a newborn. 

Other factors that can contribute to postpartum rage include:

  • Lack of social support: Feeling isolated or unsupported postpartum can intensify emotions and exacerbate anger issues.
  • Personal history of mental health challenges: Women with a history of depression, anxiety, or previous experience of postpartum mood disorders may be at a higher risk of experiencing postpartum rage.
  • Past trauma: Previous experiences of trauma, whether related to childbirth or not, can impact emotional well-being during the postpartum period.
  • Relationship challenges: Strain in relationships, whether with a partner or family members, can increase stress levels and trigger anger.
  • Unrealistic expectations: Setting unrealistic expectations for oneself as a new mother can lead to feelings of failure and frustration.

It’s essential to recognize that postpartum rage is not the mother’s fault nor a reflection of her love for her child. 

Seeking understanding, support, and professional help can be essential in addressing and managing postpartum rage effectively.

What Are the Symptoms of Postpartum Rage?

The symptoms of postpartum rage can vary from woman to woman, but they generally involve intense and uncontrollable feelings of anger or irritability

The symptoms of postpartum rage can vary from woman to woman, but they generally involve intense and uncontrollable feelings of anger or irritability. Some common symptoms of postpartum rage may include:

  • Sudden outbursts of anger: New mothers may experience sudden and intense bursts of anger, often triggered by seemingly small or insignificant events.
  • Irritability and agitation: Feeling constantly on edge or easily irritated by everyday situations.
  • Difficulty controlling emotions: Finding it challenging to manage or regulate emotion or control anger leading to frequent mood swings.
  • Physical tension: Clenching fists, teeth grinding, or experiencing bodily tension as a physical manifestation of anger.
  • Verbal aggression: Yelling, shouting, or verbally lashing out at others.
  • Social withdrawal: Feeling the need to isolate oneself from others for fear of losing control over emotions.
  • Thoughts of harm: In severe cases, some women may experience intrusive thoughts of harming themselves or others, though they may not act on these thoughts.
  • Guilt and shame: Feeling guilty or ashamed about the anger and irritability experienced, leading to further emotional distress.
  • Impact on relationships: Postpartum rage can strain relationships with partners, family members, and friends, leading to increased conflict and tension.
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby: Some women may struggle to connect emotionally with their newborn due to overwhelming anger or irritability.

If a new mother is experiencing symptoms of postpartum rage, seeking help from healthcare professionals, therapists, or support groups can be beneficial in addressing and managing these emotions effectively.

How to Diagnose Postpartum Rage?

Diagnosing postpartum rage typically involves a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional, such as an obstetrician, gynecologist, or mental health provider.

 The diagnosis may not be straightforward, as postpartum rage can sometimes be overlooked or mistaken for other postpartum mood disorders, such as postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety.

During the assessment, the healthcare provider will typically:

  • Conduct a thorough medical history: The provider will inquire about the woman’s pregnancy, childbirth experience, and any relevant medical or mental health history.
  • Assess symptoms: The woman will be asked about her emotional well-being, including anger, irritability, and any other mood changes experienced since giving birth.
  • Evaluate the impact on daily life: The provider will assess how the symptoms of postpartum rage affect the woman’s ability to care for herself and her baby, as well as their impact on relationships and daily functioning.
  • Rule out other conditions: The healthcare provider will rule out other potential causes of the symptoms, such as medical conditions or hormonal imbalances.
  • Consider the timing: Diagnosing postpartum rage requires that the symptoms occur within the postpartum period, typically within the first few weeks to months after childbirth.
  • Assess for safety concerns: If the woman is experiencing thoughts of harm towards herself or others, the healthcare provider will evaluate the level of risk and ensure appropriate safety measures are in place.

Women must be honest and open about their emotions during the assessment to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate support. 

If postpartum rage is diagnosed, the healthcare provider may recommend various treatment options, such as counseling, therapy, support groups, or medication.

How Is Postpartum Rage Treated?

The treatment for postpartum rage typically involves a combination of various approaches, depending on the severity of symptoms and individual needs. 

The treatment for postpartum rage typically involves a combination of various approaches, depending on the severity of symptoms and individual needs. 

Here are some common treatment options:

  1. Therapy
  2. Support Groups
  3. Medication
  4. Life style Changes
  5. Stress Reduction Techniques
  6. Communication Skills
  7. Self-Care
  8. Partner Support

1. Therapy

 Individual counseling or therapy can be highly beneficial in helping women explore and understand the underlying causes of their anger and develop healthy coping strategies.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other therapeutic techniques can effectively manage emotions and improve emotional regulation.

2. Support Groups

Joining a postpartum support group can provide a safe space for women to share their experiences and emotions with others who may be going through similar challenges. 

Peer support can be validating and empowering, reducing feelings of isolation and providing valuable coping strategies.

3. Medication

In some cases, healthcare providers may prescribe medication to help manage symptoms of postpartum rage, especially if there are indications of an underlying mood disorder, such as postpartum depression or anxiety.

4. Lifestyle Changes

Making lifestyle adjustments can contribute to better emotional well-being. This may include ensuring adequate rest and sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and taking breaks when needed.

5. Stress Reduction Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help reduce stress and promote emotional balance.

6. Communication Skills

Learning effective communication skills can help women express their needs and emotions healthily and constructively, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships.

7. Self-Care

Prioritizing self-care is crucial during the postpartum period. Women should seek opportunities to engage in activities they enjoy and take time for themselves to recharge.

8. Partner Support

Support from partners, family, and friends can play a vital role in recovery. Encouraging open communication and understanding can create a nurturing environment for the mother.

With appropriate support and treatment, many women find relief from postpartum rage. They are better able to embrace the joys of motherhood.

How Can Someone Reduce the Risk of Postpartum Rage?

Reducing the risk of postpartum rage involves taking proactive steps during the prenatal and postnatal periods to promote emotional well-being and mental health.

Here are some strategies to help reduce the risk:

  1. Education and Awareness
  2. Prenatal Counseling
  3. Postpartum Support Plan
  4. Rest and Self-Care
  5. Communication
  6. Manage Expectations
  7. Join Support Groups
  8. Limit Stressors
  9. Seek Professional Help
  10. Avoid Substance Use

1. Education and Awareness

Educate yourself and your support system about postpartum mood disorders, including postpartum rage. Being aware of the symptoms and risk factors can help identify potential issues early on.

2. Prenatal Counseling

Consider attending prenatal counseling or therapy to address any emotional concerns or anxieties before giving birth. 

This can help build coping skills and emotional resilience in preparation for the postpartum period.

3. Postpartum Support Plan

Develop a support plan with your partner, family, and friends to ensure you have emotional and practical support during the postpartum period. 

Having a strong support system can significantly reduce stress and feelings of overwhelm.

4. Rest and Self-Care

Prioritize self-care during pregnancy and after childbirth. Adequate rest, proper nutrition, and regular exercise can positively impact emotional well-being.

5. Communication

Foster open communication with your partner about your emotions and concerns. Talking about your feelings can help you feel understood and supported.

6. Manage Expectations

Be realistic about the challenges of motherhood and the postpartum period. Accept that it’s normal to experience a range of emotions, including anger, and seek help if needed.

7. Join Support Groups

Consider joining postpartum support groups or online communities where you can connect with other mothers going through similar experiences.

8. Limit Stressors

Reduce unnecessary stressors during the postpartum period. Delegate tasks when possible and prioritize what truly matters.

9. Seek Professional Help

If you notice any signs of anger or irritability persisting beyond what feels manageable, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or mental health professional.

10. Avoid Substance Use

Avoid alcohol or drugs, which can exacerbate emotional and mental health challenges.

Prioritizing your emotional well-being during the postpartum period can positively impact your health and relationship with your baby and family.

How Long Does Postpartum Rage Last?

The duration of postpartum rage can vary from woman to woman and depends on various factors such as individual circumstances, the severity of symptoms, and the effectiveness of treatment.

Postpartum rage may last for a few weeks to several months, but in some cases, it can persist longer if left untreated.

For some women, postpartum rage may be a temporary emotional response to the challenges of adjusting to motherhood, hormonal fluctuations, and sleep deprivation.

 As they adapt to their new role and receive appropriate support, the intensity and frequency of rage episodes may decrease over time.

However, if postpartum rage is a symptom of an underlying mood disorder such as postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety, it may require more extended treatment and support.

Seeking professional help early on can lead to faster and more effective recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions (faqs)

Is rage part of postpartum depression?

Yes, rage can be a symptom of postpartum depression, and some women may experience intense anger or irritability as part of their postpartum mood disorder.

How is postpartum rage different from postpartum depression?

Postpartum rage is characterized by intense anger and irritability, whereas postpartum depression involves persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities. Both can occur together or independently during the postpartum period.


Postpartum rage is a challenging and often misunderstood aspect of the postpartum period. New mothers must recognize and acknowledge their emotions, understanding that experiencing anger does not make them a bad parents. 

If you struggle with postpartum rage, remember that you are not alone, and help is available. 

There is no shame in seeking support; taking the first step towards getting help can lead to positive changes in your emotional health.

At Mastering Anger, we understand the complexities of emotions, especially during significant life transitions like the postpartum period. 

Our anger management classes are designed to provide effective coping strategies and emotional support, helping individuals develop healthier ways of expressing and managing anger.

By understanding and navigating anger, individuals can experience improved relationships, reduced stress, and enhanced overall well-being.

Let us support you on your journey toward emotional healing and personal growth.

Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC

Dr. Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC specializes in anger management, family conflict resolution, marital and premarital conflict resolution. His extensive knowledge in the field of anger management may enable you to use his tested methods to deal with your anger issues.


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