Anger Management Activities for Kids

Anger, a universal human emotion, is experienced by adults and children. While it’s natural for children to feel angry, understanding and managing their emotional responses are crucial to their overall development.

When exploring suitable anger management activities for kids, it becomes essential to understand the complexities of children’s emotions and provide tools for constructive expression.

It’s essential to recognize that anger is not inherently harmful; how children express and handle their anger significantly influences their emotional well-being. Frequent and intense tantrums may signal underlying issues that require attention and understanding for children over eight years old.

Children’s anger issues often serves as a reflection of underlying frustrations or distress. Factors such as autism, ADHD, anxiety, or learning disorders can contribute to emotional outbursts, highlighting the need for a tailored approach to anger management.

Anger management for kids extends beyond controlling outbursts; it involves addressing root causes and empowering children to navigate their emotions healthily and constructively.

In this blog, we’ll explore effective anger management activities designed to foster emotional intelligence in children, providing caregivers and educators with valuable tools to support the young ones in their emotional journeys.

10 Effective Anger Management Activities for Kids

Understanding the complexities of children’s emotions involves employing creative and effective anger management activities. In this section, we uncover 10 engaging strategies designed to help kids constructively understand, express, and manage their anger.

1. Angry Charades


Angry charades transforms the classic game into a therapeutic activity that helps children express and understand their anger in a fun and engaging way.

Children act out their feelings of anger through gestures, facial expressions, and body language, turning their emotional experiences into a tangible form. This game encourages communication, empathy, and self-awareness as children observe and interpret each other’s expressions.

By externalizing their anger in a playful setting, kids gain control over their emotions and develop the vocabulary to express themselves effectively.

The activity fosters a supportive environment where children can freely explore and share their emotions without judgment. It also allows caregivers and educators to intervene positively, guiding children toward healthier outlets for their anger.

Angry charades serves as a tool for immediate emotional expression and contributes to the development of essential social and emotional skills, including empathy and active listening.

2. Deep Breathing Exercises


Deep breathing exercises offer a simple yet powerful technique to help children manage and regulate their emotions, particularly anger. The activity introduces kids to mindfulness and teaches them to focus on their breath as a means of self-calming.

By incorporating playful elements such as counting breaths or imagining a balloon inflating and deflating, this exercise becomes an accessible and enjoyable practice for children.

Deep breathing exercises provide a practical tool for kids to use in the heat of the moment when they experience anger.

By promoting a connection between breath and emotion, children develop a heightened self-awareness and an effective strategy for navigating challenging situations.

These exercises offer immediate relief during moments of anger and contribute to cultivating lifelong coping skills, promoting emotional resilience in the face of future challenges.

3. Draw a Picture


Drawing pictures is a therapeutic and expressive outlet for children to channel their anger into a visual representation.

Art has long been recognized as a powerful means of communication. Drawing provides an alternative language for children who struggle with articulating complex emotions verbally.

When a child is feeling angry, asking them to draw what anger looks like to them allows them to externalize and process their emotions creatively.

Through this activity, children can explore the colors, shapes, and lines that represent their anger, providing a tangible form to an abstract emotion. Creating art can be inherently calming, offering a moment of introspection and self-expression.

Caregivers and educators can use the drawings as a starting point for conversations about the child’s feelings, promoting a deeper understanding of the underlying emotions and potential triggers.

Encouraging children to draw a picture when angry provides an immediate outlet for their emotions. It fosters a sense of empowerment and autonomy. It helps them realize their feelings are valid and can be expressed in healthy and creative ways.

4. Role Play Scenarios


Role playing different scenarios is an interactive and educational activity that allows children to explore different responses to challenging situations that trigger anger.

Children can step into roles through role-playing, experimenting with alternative behaviors, and problem-solving strategies in a safe and controlled environment.

This activity provides a practical way for children to rehearse and reinforce positive coping mechanisms and enhances their social and emotional skills.

It encourages perspective-taking as children incorporate different characters, fostering empathy and a deeper understanding of diverse emotions and reactions.

Role-playing scenarios that commonly trigger anger, such as sharing toys or resolving conflicts with friends, enable children to develop a repertoire of effective responses.

Caregivers and educators can guide the role-playing process, offering insights and constructive feedback to help children navigate real-life situations more skillfully.

By engaging in role-play, children gain valuable insights into their own emotions and those of others, contributing to developing emotional intelligence and conflict resolution skills.

This interactive approach to anger management promotes a proactive and empowering way for children to navigate the complexities of their emotions.

5. Feelings Thermometer


The “Feelings Thermometer” is a visual tool designed to help children identify, understand, and communicate the intensity of their emotions, including anger. It often forms a color-coded scale, with each color representing a different emotional state.

For instance, green might signify calmness, yellow for mild frustration, orange for heightened anger, and red for extreme anger.

Caregivers and educators can work with children to establish this personalized scale, tailoring it to the child’s experiences and preferences.

When a child is angry, the Feelings Thermometer becomes a practical aid for them to pinpoint their anger level on the scale. This visual representation enhances their self-awareness, allowing them to recognize and label their emotions more precisely.

Using colors provides a non-verbal means of expression, making it particularly useful for children struggling to articulate their feelings verbally.

This tool becomes a shared language between the child and their caregivers or educators, facilitating open emotional conversations.

It encourages proactive discussions about coping strategies at different points on the thermometer, fostering a collaborative approach to anger management.

6. Make a Calm Down Box

Making a calm down box is a personalized approach to helping children create a resource toolkit that supports emotional regulation, especially during moments of anger.

The concept involves assembling a box or container filled with carefully chosen items that comfort and promote relaxation.

Children, with the guidance of caregivers or educators, can select items that resonate with them and contribute to a sense of calmness.

Common items may include stress balls, sensory objects, a favorite book, soothing music, or even a note with encouraging words. The key is to tailor the contents to the child’s preferences and sensory needs.

When a child feels anger rising, the Calm Down Box becomes a go-to resource for self-soothing. Engaging with the items in the box provides a tangible and comforting outlet for their emotions.

This activity serves as a practical intervention during moments of anger. It encourages children to take an active role in their emotional well-being. Creating and using a Calm Down Box promotes a sense of autonomy and empowerment, fostering a positive relationship with emotional self-care.

7. Engage in Physical Activities


Encouraging children to engage in physical activity is a dynamic and effective strategy for managing anger. Physical exertion provides an outlet for the intense energy associated with anger, helping children release tension and reduce stress.

Activities such as jumping, running, or engaging in sports serve as a healthy way to channel energy and trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood enhancers.

Physical activities offer an effective approach to anger management by addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of the experience.

When children engage in movement, they experience a shift in focus from their anger to the activity at hand, promoting a sense of mindfulness and presence in the moment.

This redirection of attention allows children to distance themselves from the immediate source of frustration and gain a fresh perspective.

Additionally, physical activities contribute to overall well-being, supporting healthy physical development and fostering a positive connection between the body and mind.

This approach empowers children to proactively address their emotions through movement, contributing to a balanced and resilient emotional foundation.

8. Meditation


Meditation is a mindfulness technique that can significantly contribute to the emotional well-being of children, especially when it comes to managing anger.

While meditation may seem complex, age-appropriate mindfulness exercises can be introduced to children simply and engagingly.

Meditation for children often involves guided visualization, deep breathing exercises, or focusing attention on a specific object or sensation. These practices promote relaxation, self-awareness, and emotional regulation.

When a child is angry, taking a few moments to engage in meditation provides a valuable pause, allowing them to step back from the intensity of the emotion.

Guided meditation scripts or apps designed for children can be valuable tools. It cultivates a sense of inner calmness and resilience, providing children with a practical tool for navigating the ups and downs of their emotional landscape.

Integrating meditation into anger management activities contributes to children’s overall emotional intelligence and well-being.

9. Emotion Wheel


Emotion Wheel is a visual tool that aids children in identifying, understanding, and expressing a wide range of emotions, including anger. It typically consists of a circle divided into segments, each representing a different emotion and corresponding colors.

Children can use the wheel to express their emotional state, offering a valuable foundation for effective anger management.

When a child is angry, the Emotion Wheel becomes a means of exploring the complexities of that emotion. Children gain insight into the complexity of their feelings by considering the specific shade or category of anger, such as frustration, disappointment, or irritation.

This process of emotional identification enhances self-awareness, allowing children to move beyond a broad label like “anger” to a more detailed understanding of their emotional landscape.

The Emotion Wheel facilitates open communication between children and caregivers or educators. It encourages dialogue about the triggers and underlying causes of anger, fostering a collaborative approach to emotional well-being.

10. Positive Affirmations

Introducing positive affirmations to children is a powerful way to promote a positive mindset and contribute to effective anger management.

Affirmations are short, positive statements that individuals repeat to themselves to foster a positive belief system.

Regarding anger management, positive affirmations can counter negative thought patterns and provide children with empowering perspectives.

Positive affirmations for anger management are crafted to promote a sense of calm, self-assurance, and emotional resilience. Caregivers or educators can work with children to develop personalized affirmations that resonate with them.

Engaging in positive affirmations becomes a proactive step toward shifting their mindset when dealing with an angry child.

Repeating affirmations, such as,

  • I am in control of my emotions
  • I can find peaceful solutions

reinforces positive self-talk. This process helps children challenge negative thought patterns associated with anger and replace them with affirmations that promote emotional well-being.

Positive affirmations also contribute to developing a growth mindset, encouraging children to view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

Positive affirmations support children’s overall emotional resilience and well-being as they navigate the complexities of their emotional landscape.


When it comes to a child’s emotional development, anger is a natural and essential part. Acknowledging and addressing this emotion becomes crucial to nurturing resilient, emotionally intelligent, and well-adjusted individuals.

Exploring anger management activities for kids can help you understand practical techniques that extend beyond the immediate control of angry outbursts.

Understanding that anger in children is not inherently negative reframes the approach to its management. Instead, the emphasis shifts to recognizing and addressing the root causes, whether they stem from unmet needs, frustration, or underlying distress.

The realization that frequent or intense tantrums in children may signal deeper issues prompts a proactive approach.

Various anger management activities outlined in this guide serve as a toolbox for caregivers, educators, and parents, offering diverse strategies tailored to each child’s unique needs and preferences.

These activities form a comprehensive approach to ascertain emotional resilience, from engaging in physical activities to practicing meditation, from using emotion wheels to embracing positive affirmations.

Additionally, enrolling the kids in teenage anger management classes can also help them manage and control their anger issues.

By drawing upon these techniques, children learn to express and regulate their anger constructively and develop a broader emotional vocabulary that will serve them in various life situations.

By implementing these activities, we empower children to embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the lifelong pursuit of emotional well-being.

Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC

Dr. Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC specializes in anger management, family conflict resolution, marital and premarital conflict resolution. His extensive knowledge in the field of anger management may enable you to use his tested methods to deal with your anger issues.


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