Prepare your kid for college with teen anger management classes

If you’re the parent of a college-bound teen, you undoubtedly have checklist of the things your son or daughter will needs before they leave the nest.  In addition to school supplies, toiletries and a Tupperware container or two of home-cooked meals, why not send them off with a certificate from one of our online teen anger management courses?

For most high school seniors, transitioning to college can be an incredibly overwhelming experience. Suddenly they must learn to manage a significantly greater workload and interact with a wider range of personality types than they’ve ever been exposed to. For young adults who don’t have much experience handling either of these exciting but inevitably stressful occurrences, the drastic change is sure to challenge them mentally and emotionally.

Before you pack up your loved one’s belongings and tearfully drop them off at their dorm room in September, consider investing in an online teen anger management course that will help equip them with the skills they need to handle new and difficult situations in a calm and rational way. Not only can completing such a course reduce the potential for unnecessary conflicts with a particularly disorganized roommate, it may also help your teen keep his or her negative emotions – be they stress, anger or frustration – from tainting what should be an edifying and even enjoyable experience.

At Conflict Coaching & Consulting, we offer online teen anger management classes and course books that have been specifically developed to help adolescents learn to identify and address their negative sentiments before they lead to physical or verbal aggression. As well as benefiting your son or daughter in their college years, these techniques are sure to serve them well throughout their adult lives.

Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC

Dr. Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC specializes in anger management, family conflict resolution, marital and premarital conflict resolution. His extensive knowledge in the field of anger management may enable you to use his tested methods to deal with your anger issues.


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