Fresno fire chief accused of domestic violence

While we expect the best from our police officers and firefighters, as they have sworn to protect others for a living, the truth is that these men and women are susceptible to the same anger problems that most people are, perhaps even more so due to the stress of their jobs. This doesn’t justify when they cross the line into inexcusable behavior but it does mean that everyone can benefit from getting help to control their tempers. A fire department chief in Fresno, California, faces this situation, where he will have to take anger management classes after allegedly committing acts of domestic abuse.

Local affiliate ABC 30 reports that Fresno fire chief Rob Brown could potentially face criminal charges after allegations of domestic violence were levied at the man. Court evidence revealed that, prior to the Brown family’s move from their original state of Virginia to California, there had been four unreported instances of domestic abuse, in addition to the one reported case at their Fresno home in June.

The Virginia incidents were allegedly merely disagreements between Brown and his oldest son about moving the family across country. However, the recent case last month involved Brown – who had apparently been drinking – assaulting his wife to the point that their kids stepped in to protect their mother, using pepper spray to repel their father. This, prosecutors point out, could be evidence of several past incidents, as children probably wouldn’t be able to intervene with pepper spray if this had been the first time.

In addition to future sentencing, Brown must attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings twice a week and enroll in anger management classes.

You shouldn’t have to risk losing your family and your job because of anger issues. Use the online anger management classes of Conflict Coaching & Consulting to get the help that you require before it’s too late.

Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC

Dr. Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC specializes in anger management, family conflict resolution, marital and premarital conflict resolution. His extensive knowledge in the field of anger management may enable you to use his tested methods to deal with your anger issues.


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