Cricket player’s anger management issues may put career in jeopardy

In past posts, we’ve talked about the complex role that aggression can play in professional sports. In moderation, it can provide an adrenaline rush that drives these athletes to do their best. However, when it isn’t channeled appropriately, it can lead an individual to verbally or physically attack game official, opponents and even their own teammates.

Recently, the web-based news outlet MensXP reported that Virat Kohli – a famed cricket player from India – could benefit from anger management classes after a few high-profile spats on the pitch have given the batsman a reputation for his quick temper.

“Kohli’s talent is beyond question but his anger issues need closure,” the source states, noting that the player has lashed out at opposing fans simply for cheering on their home team. He also got into an aggressive argument with a rival athlete during a game in April, which MensXP described as “one of the lowest points” of the Indian Premier League’s season thus far.

“Kohli has to grow up and mature in his behavior – especially on the field. Most people do not like dealing with angry men because of their volatility. It also creates a bad impression on fans that can be very hard to erase,” the news outlet notes.

It is entirely understandable for an athlete to become frustrated during a game – particularly at such a high level when there is more at stake for all involved. But, if an individual can’t identify this emotion and utilize it to improve their performance, then it could easily sabotage a promising career.

If you are concerned about your temper, get the help you need before this problem takes over your personal and professional relationships. We offer online anger management classes that will teach you techniques to handle conflict effectively.

Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC

Dr. Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC specializes in anger management, family conflict resolution, marital and premarital conflict resolution. His extensive knowledge in the field of anger management may enable you to use his tested methods to deal with your anger issues.


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