8 Signs You Are An Angry Person

During moments of anger, have you wondered if you are just upset or if is there a deeper issue beneath the surface?

If the latter is true for you and anger plays a significant role in your life, you might display signs of an angry person.

Anger is valid for as long as the reaction does not affect personal and professional relationships. When anger turns into rage and frustration, it causes irreparable damage to our personal lives.

When excessive, these are labeled as anger issues. Anger issues can take out of-proportion forms of irrationality over minor inconveniences.

If frequent, individuals resort to verbal aggression, such as yelling insults or threats. Dangerous forms of anger can lead to violence and self-harm.

Since uncontrolled anger can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health, self-awareness is necessary to recognize your emotional triggers. Unmanaged stress can hinder your growth at your workplace or may result in legal charges from the court.

Identify the signs of anger by observing behavior, and the frequency and intensity of reactions. Physical violence and verbal abuse can indicate a deeper problem that makes it difficult to calm down. It manifests as physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, clenched fists, and going red in the face.

Before you learn the techniques of managing anger, you should be able to recognize your anger problems. Letā€™s look through the top 8 signs of an angry personality:

1. Getting Mad over Little Things

One of the first signs of unhealthy expressions of anger is starting your day by being annoyed and bothered over insignificant issues. When minor inconvenience is intolerable, it is a sign of accumulated stress.

Previous unresolved emotions build low tolerance and do not give room to forgive and accept peopleā€™s mistakes. They become irritated when things do not go their way. Such people will have an anger explosion on small setbacks because of a lack of patience.

2. Interrupting

Interrupting conversations once or twice is normal. However, if it is practiced consistently out of habit, it is detrimental to the relationships you have. More than being an indication of impatience, it comes off as being egoistical where you consider your word to have more value over the other person.

Jumping into conversations makes you appear rude and disrespectful to others. It originates from a controlling personality, where you do not give others the space to completely express their thoughts. Frequent interruption during an anger episode leads to a heated argument and escalates the tension.

3. Being a Complainer

If you find yourself complaining about everything and anything in life, your anger issues are getting the best of you. It is a sign that you are always dissatisfied with the work and the efforts of the people around you.

While complaints are a way to release the built-up emotions, the pattern arises if you have a negative outlook towards life. This is thinking that the problems in your life are permanent, and you do not try to find a solution out of it.

4. Holding a Grudge

Therapists promote practicing the act of letting go of your life. If your personality misses this component, you will always lose your temper with everyone. This means that you are incapable of having healthy arguments.

Every disagreement leads to you being offended by the other personā€™s words and you feel they have a personal vendetta against you. This creates feelings of bitterness. You overthink the incident moving forward and isolate to protect yourself.

5. Getting Red in the Face

This is a physical manifestation of your body reacting to intense anger. Under stressful situations when we are unable to calm our thoughts, the bodyā€™s flight and fight response is triggered. The physiological response causes the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline.

One of the first signs is we feel our heart beating out of our chest. The blood vessels dilate, and as more blood reaches our skin, it turns red. You will feel your body heat up, and the facial expressions may change to furrowing the eyebrows.

6. Being Overly Sensitive

You might have been labeled as a highly sensitive person during arguments. It is because your bodyā€™s biological response to stress has a very low threshold, and you end up being deeply affected by the problems.

A person with an inherently angry personality will overreact when there is criticism related to them or their work. They will take it as an embarrassment and then stay hurt for a couple of years. Since they are unable to express their anger fully, they will quickly be moved to tears.

7. Being Cold-Hearted

Since anger is not a widely accepted emotion, angry people tend to hide their weaknesses by repressing their emotions. They try to mask their insecurities and vulnerabilities as they feel being angry is synonymous with having more control over oneself.

It is simply a defense mechanism resulting from previous episodes of betrayal when they tried to express concerns related to anger. You will see these people make decisions without thinking about the consequences for the other person.

In cases of genuine mistakes, it is difficult to empathize and sympathize. This emotionally distant phase gives them a cold exterior.

8. Putting the Blame on Other People

Blaming is a common sign of an angry personality where you try to deflect the responsibility of your emotions onto others. Individuals are often quick to point fingers and dump the reason of their anger onto someone else, instead of acknowledging what went wrong.

Instead of taking ownership, you will see these people play victims in a situation that escalated due to their uncontrolled emotions. They will be quick to gain sympathy and resort to blaming to avoid apologizing.


If you can get around to asking yourself if you have anger issues, you need to be well aware of the signs you are an angry person.

Although anger is a natural emotion, it can become uncontrollable and affect the overall quality of life. Identifying the signs of an angry person is crucial in building long and healthy relationships with our minds and guaranteeing the well-being of those around us.

Some of the common signs of anger include verbal cues and aggression and physical manifestations such as red face and changing facial expressions. Similarly, when anger gets the better of us, we forget empathy and appear cold and rude.

If you find yourself interrupting conversations or blaming others for your anger, it is time to seek help and develop healthier coping strategies.

The ultimate goal of recognizing your triggers is to foster compassion and understanding where you can address your anger constructively and build stronger connections with one another.

Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC

Dr. Carlos Todd PhD LCMHC specializes in anger management, family conflict resolution, marital and premarital conflict resolution. His extensive knowledge in the field of anger management may enable you to use his tested methods to deal with your anger issues.


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