Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Coaches: Experienced professionals with psychology, executive coaching, and healthcare backgrounds.
  • Proven Methods: Evidence-based techniques and assessments tailored to high-stress professional environments.
  • Flexible Delivery: Convenient Zoom sessions that fit into your busy schedule.
  • Holistic Approach: Focus on both professional skills and personal well-being to ensure sustainable improvement.
  • Nationally-Recognized: Certification accepted across the United States and meets the standards of various institutions such as courts, probation, legal systems, parole, and employers
  • Guaranteed Acceptance: If your anger management certificate is rejected, just show us proof, and we'll refund your fee.
why choose anger management coaching for executives

What Topics Are Covered?

Comprehensive Assessment: Conover anger assessment is tool that provides a detailed understanding of your anger triggers and patterns.

This assessment helps create a personalized coaching plan targeting your specific needs.

De-escalation Techniques: Learn effective de-escalation strategies to manage high-stress situations and conflicts calmly. Our coaching includes:

  • Identifying early warning signs of escalation.
  • Techniques to defuse potentially volatile situations.
  • Strategies to maintain a calm and controlled demeanor during critical moments.

Communication Skills: Effective communication is key to preventing misunderstandings and conflicts. Our program covers:

  • Active listening and empathy skills.
  • Assertive communication techniques.
  • Strategies for delivering difficult messages without escalating tensions.

Emotional Competence: Developing emotional competence is crucial for managing stress and maintaining professional relationships. We focus on:

  • Understanding and regulating your emotions.
  • Building empathy and social awareness.
  • Techniques for self-reflection and emotional self-care.

Resiliency Training: Resiliency helps you bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook. Our training includes:

  • Building mental toughness and adaptability.
  • Stress management techniques.
  • Creating a personal resiliency plan.
what topics are covered in coaching for executives

Program Delivery

  • Format: Delivered entirely via Zoom for flexibility and convenience, allowing you to access coaching sessions and resources from anywhere.

Program Duration/Session

  • Initial Assessment (1 hour): Complete the Conover Anger Assessment and discuss specific challenges and goals.
  • Bi-weekly Coaching Sessions (1 hour each): Ongoing support and skill-building with a dedicated coach, including practical exercises, role-playing, and personalized feedback.

You can successfully manage your emotions by focusing on your emotional health for 2 hours a week.

Program Costs

  • Initial Assessment: $350
  • Bi-weekly Coaching Sessions: $300 per session
  • Complete Program Package: $2,500 for 3 months of comprehensive coaching, including all assessments, sessions, and workshops.
  • Discounts: Available for organizations enrolling multiple participants and individuals committing to a six-month program upfront.

Ready to take the first step?

Contact us at 704-804-0841 or ctodd@masteringconflict.com to schedule your initial assessment and start your journey toward greater emotional intelligence and professional excellence.

Our Students Says


qude I was struggling to maintain my composure in high-pressure situations, often leading to conflicts with my team. The Executive Coaching Program for Anger Management has been a game-changer for me. The comprehensive assessment helped me understand my triggers, and the de-escalation techniques have taught me to manage stress effectively. qude

John M.
Fintech Executive

qude As a financial secretary, the nature of my job often left me feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. This course provided me with invaluable tools to handle my emotions better. The emotional competence training has enhanced my ability to stay calm and focused, even under pressure. I feel more confident and professional in my interactions with colleagues. qude

Sarah T.
Financial Secretary

qude The Executive Coaching Program has transformed the way I handle stress and conflict at work. The resiliency training and practical exercises have helped me develop a robust mental framework to deal with challenges. Additionally, the personalized feedback has been invaluable. I highly recommend this program to any executive looking to enhance their professional skills. qude

Michael R
IT Professional